Thursday, February 5, 2009

Spirit is good

“Spirit is good”

As I pray today, I pray for my heavenly Father/Mother God to teach me as I pledge my service to him in all that I do. Unemployment, greed, corruption, homelessness, aggravation, envy, revenge are no part of God’s good grace. God’s divine motivating force, genius, purpose, is where I live today and every day. Every evil threat, suggestion, caution, argument, that tries to tempt me to be other than what I was purposed to do is wrong and I refuse to entertain any or all parts. What happened yesterday is old news and I will only respond with all good today.

My spirit is purposed here today!

Psalms 143:10 … “thou are my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.”

Human opinion from any source, termination, gossip, ill-will, self-will, annoyance, worry, is evil and the root of false belief to which there is no hope of joy or affluence. I will not listen to the noise of hopelessness, fear, intimidation, depression, recession, hatred, violence. I am at-on-with the divine Music, first and only, Sweet Joyous Grace. As I am at-one-with Spirit, I am full, complete, competent, merciful, valid, fearless, clever, skillful, gracious.

Well but! Yes the well but’s are on us as fast as they can. Ignore the well but’s and let them go! Let all that is not good go. Today is the day to live in the spirit of good! Let your divine purpose control your every thought, emotion, decision, motive, drive. Know that all mankind; family, friends, neighbors, associates, co-workers, government officials, administration, lawmakers are in one accord governed by God, divine Mind.

Guide me; Usher me; influence me; move, prompt, cause, persuade, sway, induce, command, order, prescribe, win over, take me by the hand, carry me; to the properity, country, nation, region, neighborhood, province, commonwealth, place, beach, company, corporation, school, college, university, space,(for you QL) field, expanse, champaign, negotiations, boardroom, conference room, bedroom, kitchen table, backyard, playground, school house, legislature relationship of UPRIGHTENSS (in exact conformity to truth, good conduct, honest work, just, impartial, evenhanded, grace, purity, honor , faith, integrity, clean hands.

It matters not what be thy lot,
So Love doth guide;
For storm or shine, pure peace is thine,
Whate'er betide.

And of these stones, or tyrants' thrones,
God able is
To raise up seed — in thought and deed —
To faithful His.

Aye, darkling sense, arise, go hence!
Our God is good.
False fears are foes — truth tatters those,
When understood.

Love looseth thee, and lifteth me,
Ayont hate's thrall:
There Life is light, and wisdom might,
And God is All.

The centuries break, the earth-bound wake,
God's glorified!
Who doth His will — His likeness still —
Is satisfied.
Mary Baker Eddy

John Stainer
Walter E. Young
Percy Whitlock

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