Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Wounded Man

"CF Andrews tells of two friends who served together in the first World War.  One of them was wounded and left laying helpless and in pain in no-man's land.  The other, at great peril of his life, crawled out to help his friend; and, when he reached him, the wounded man looked up and said simply: 'I knew you would come.'"  William Barclay

Human need brings God to our side then we must receive, act and follow through on his divine direction.  Often we are tempted to argue, deliberate, discuss, question the divine guidance we are given because of fear, anxiety, human opinion, intimidation.  

I certainly have given in to all those temptations at one time or another only to learn what I already new; TRUST GOD!  

Real simple, RIGHT!  

Certainly human conditions, public opinion, finances, can impose awful penalties for opposing their supposed power.  But I love the 23rd Psalm as David so boldly states that he is willing to have a "six course meal" (The Message) in front of his enemies declaring his trust and confidence in God.  

Bold?  Some might say arrogant?  But the fact is, David demonstrated a consistent effort to trust God in his daily life, making mistakes along the way, while staying true to his faith.

I have learned through the mistakes I have made to continue to trust God  and expect good!

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